
Health management in the face of climate change and changes in law


Green solutions implemented in hospitals, medical devices in the context of current legislative acts or comprehensive medical equipment – these are some of the topics to be discussed by experts from key organisations in health care during the SALMED fair. A dose of specialist knowledge accompanied by a rich exhibition of innovative equipment and supplies for medical facilities has been the hallmark of this event for years. Some exhibitors are already announcing the premieres of products to revolutionise modern medicine.

A varied fair programme addressed mainly to hospital and clinic managers, practice owners, doctors, physiotherapists, paramedics and all interested people professionally related to health care will be an important element of the SALMED fair. With conference stages of leading medical companies located in the exhibition space we will be able to combine science and expert knowledge with current trends in this industry. The next edition of the SALMED fair will take place on 19-21 March 2024 on MTP Poznan Expo fairgrounds.

Green hospitals

2023 is the hottest year in the history of measurements, warn scientists involved in the Copernicus Earth observation programme. Meanwhile, if health care were a country, it would be the fifth emitter of greenhouse gases in the world. Experts will talk about these issues, as well as specific green solutions in healthcare facilities, at the Green Healthcare and Business Conference during the Salmed fair. The organiser of the meeting is the Poznań Centre for Specialised Medical Services (POSUM).

The effects of climate change threaten to undermine the achievements in the field of public health made over the past 50 years and contribute to the occurrence of respiratory and heart diseases, strokes, some cancers, and direct harm from poor air quality, waste, contaminated drinking water and incidents resulting from climate change such as fires, floods or other extreme weather phenomena.

It’s time to include green priorities in health care management and reward health centres that reduce their carbon footprint, and we will talk about this in Poznań during the Green Healthcare and Business Conference at the SALMED medical fair. The organiser of the event is the Poznań Centre for Specialised Medical Services which consistently implements green solutions in its facility – announces Konrad Zaradny, Director of POSUM.

The healthcare sector must first and foremost mitigate its negative impact on the climate and reduce its carbon footprint, ideally becoming climate neutral. The global Health Care Without Harm organisation, to which POSUM belongs, works to transform health care around the world to reduce its impact on the environment, serving as an anchor for the sustainable development community and as a leader in the global environmental health movement.

- We invited Polish and foreign experts to participate in the Conference, as well as representatives of climate-friendly hospitals from various European countries who implement green solutions in the sectors of medical waste, pharmaceuticals, passive hospital construction, renewable energy, healthy food, sustainable procurement and purchasing, and they also limit the use of plastic and disposable products. We will talk, among others: about how the use of artificial intelligence and robotics algorithms can contribute to sustainable health care and we will show many unique solutions – invites Konrad Zaradny.

POLMED will dispel legal doubts

Medical devices are undoubtedly one of the pillars of the health care system. So how to introduce legal regulations for the medical technology market, taking into account its complex characteristics and international standards? These and many other questions will be answered by experts in a discussion panel organised during the SALMED fair by the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Medical Devices POLMED. - Current legislation puts many challenges before manufacturers and distributors of medical devices, as well as employees of the health care system. During this year’s SALMED medical fair, we will try to dispel many doubts of these entities – says Arkadiusz Grądkowski, Director of POLMED.

As announced by the Director of the Chamber, the debate will discuss issues related to Public Procurement Law and non-price criteria for evaluating offers. Experts will examine the Regulation on the advertising of medical devices, which has raised doubts since its inception, as well as another controversial legal act: the Regulation on the list of medical devices issued on prescription. – In recent years, the list has been updated not only in terms of increased financing of individual products, but also the number of items on the list has been expanded and the codes assigned to them have changed. As a result, patients received greater access to modern medical devices necessary for their daily functioning. New codes and the method of settling products are certainly a challenge for our industry – we know how to deal with it – argues the Director of POLMED.

Comprehensive equipment for medical facilities

In the face of dynamic changes on the market, solutions that actually simplify and shorten the time of selecting and purchasing medical equipment and related services and preparing an analysis starting the public procurement procedure are desired and sought. A panel prepared by the Polish Education Centre and the portal will be devoted to this topic.

Invited specialists will talk about comprehensive equipment for medical facilities, taking into account technical, operational and legal aspects. The panel will also discuss the issues of setting an investment goal, estimating its value, medical equipment of facilities, auditing investment concepts and possible solutions. There will also be a legal aspect defining the role and responsibility of the medical equipment department in the event of a medical incident. The topic will be presented by a legal advisor, an expert in civil, criminal and disciplinary liability of hospital staff and other medical entities.

Innovative premieres at SALMED

For exhibitors, the fair is a good place to present the medical industry to the world with their new products, technologies and services.

Some companies are already announcing the premiere of innovative solutions, which will only see the light of day on 19-21 March during Salmed in Poznań. One of them is INMED, a leader with many completed projects in the field of installation of pipeline systems for medical gases, delivery and installation of equipment for hospitals and medical units from all over Poland. In order to leave the competition behind, INMED does not want to reveal the details of its innovative solution for now. However, its representatives argue that this is the result of hard work and the new product will redefine the future of medical technologies. – We are excited to share this groundbreaking solution. The product, which is a kind of ‘de-engineering’ of existing solutions, promises to revolutionise current standards in the medical industry. We cordially invite you to the Polish premiere, which will take place on 19 March 2024 at 2:00 p.m. Let’s be ready for a revolution in a field that has been unknown so far! – Monika Meyer-Palus from INMED S.A. encourages you to participate in the fair and the premiere show.

This is only the first announcement of the product launch that we will see at SALMED. During the event, there will also be a zone of startups offering many groundbreaking solutions for the medical industry.