
SALMED as a mirror of modern medicine


Hospital directors, managers of medical facilities, as well as doctors conducting individual practice and rehabilitation specialists come to Poznań not only to see ‘live’ modern equipment and tools, but also to be able to ask manufacturers and suppliers questions about the details and specific functions of the presented solutions. A varied exhibition of equipment created by over one hundred exhibitors from Polish and foreign companies, is accompanied by the ‘heart of the fair’ − inspiring live meetings, debates and shows allowing for the exchange of knowledge and establishing relationships.

We are aware that we are creating the programme of the fair at a time when human dramas are taking place in the East nearby. We will make every effort to ensure that the fair agenda also supports managers of medical facilities and provides knowledge on how to implement best practices in crisis situations, says Paulina Pietrzak, Director of the SALMED Fair.

Medicine open to robotisation

There would be no SALMED fair without demonstrations of devices that change the face of modern medicine. This is certainly what Versius is. This innovative technology, which helps doctors perform surgeries and patients − achieve better treatment results, has been in Poland for several months. Versius, which will also appear at SALMED, is a new generation robotic surgical system for minimally invasive procedures. The device is intended for use only by trained physicians in an operating room environment. Some Polish facilities, such as in Łódź or Chorzów, have already performed their first Versius surgeries. The robot can be used in general surgery, as well as in urological and gynaecological procedures. The diameter of the opening through which the operating physician gains access to the inside of the body is only six millimetres. For patients, this means many health benefits: reduction of bleeding, reduction of pain, minimisation of the risk of infection and faster rehabilitation after surgery. As a result, convalescents can shorten their stay in hospital and return to their current life faster. The system designed by CMR Surgical, an international company from the medical devices industry based in Great Britain, will be presented at the SALMED fair (24 March), as many as three device demonstrations are planned. Such presentations raise many questions. What is the development potential of medical robotics? Will robots operate on us? The panelists of the debate (24 March) entitled: ‘Startups in health − can we afford to implement innovations in Polish health care? Medical robotics’. It will be attended by prof. Jarosław J. Fedorowski, president of the Polish Federation of Hospitals and Piotr Nowicki, Director of the Provincial Hospital in Poznań. The startup market will be represented by Piotr Paczuski from UpMedic. In turn, Artur Dolny from CMR Surgical, the creator of the Versius system, will talk about the challenges of medical robotics. Medical robotics, developed year by year, is more and more often used in Polish hospitals. What are the benefits of robotic operations? Will remote operations be possible? Can we afford the implementation of medical robotics? − this is what we will talk about during the panel at the SALMED fair. We will also devote a lot of space to startups, trying to answer how to find an innovative solution, how to check whether it is really effective and safe, and how to design the cooperation between an innovative technology supplier and a hospital, announces the moderator of the discussion, Ligia Kornowska, Managing Director of the Polish Federation of Hospitals.

The second day of the SALMED fair will also include the topic of artificial intelligence in medicine. During the debate ‘White Book of AI in Health − how to use AI in clinical practice?’, experts will talk about artificial intelligence algorithms that are already used in Polish hospitals and healthcare entities. The debate will also be organised by the Polish Federation of Hospitals.

Children need modern rehabilitation

Presentation of the latest scientific reports on developmental disorders of children and adolescents, as well as practical aspects in the field of rehabilitation programming − this is the main goal of the scientific conference organised during the SALMED fair. The organisers of the meeting are: the Commission for Rehabilitation and Social Integration of the Polish Academy of Sciences, branch in Poznań, and co-organisers: the Department of Clinical Physiotherapy of the E. Piasecki Academy of Physical Education. in Poznań, Rehasport and Grupa MTP. Rehabilitation has always been an important point of the SALMED programme and exhibition. So it will be this time. There will be exhibitors offering equipment and solutions useful for physiotherapists and doctors, and current reports in this field will be presented by scientists during the conference, which will take place on the first day of the fair. Participants will learn, among others how to conduct screening tests for the early detection of scoliosis, learn about the methods of neurophysiological diagnosis of motor dysfunction in children, they will also hear about robots that help in learning to walk, reveals Paulina Pietrzak, Director of the SALMED Fair. Due to its multidisciplinary nature, the conference is addressed not only to physiotherapists, but also for doctors, nurses and other medical specialities related to rehabilitation in developmental disorders of children and adolescents.

Challenges for healthcare managers

There have been particularly turbulent and troubled times for those in charge of healthcare. On the one hand, medical facilities are still struggling with the effects of the pandemic, and on the other, they faced the war in Ukraine, which significantly affected the functioning of the health sector in our country. The changing law and the latest opportunities related to it will be discussed (23 March) at the SALMED fair, among others during the discussion panel ‘Public procurement for medical devices in times of crisis’. It will be attended by, among others representatives of the Public Procurement Office, the POLMED Chamber and the Polish Federation of Hospitals.

Recent years have been exceptional. Global factors such as the COVID pandemic, legal changes at the EU and national level are the circumstances that influenced changes in the public procurement market for medical devices. There are many indications that the near future will also be full of challenges, pitfalls and opportunities. In this context, it is worth paying attention to several problems that have been hotly discussed in recent weeks at the POLMED Chamber forum and relate directly to tenders in the product industry, in particular in the context of the evolution of the practice of applying the new PPL (Public Procurement Law) and the situation in Ukraine, says one of the speakers, Tomasz Hajdyła, legal expert of the POLMED Chamber.

In the current healthcare system, medical devices play a very important role in the process of treating a patient. Specialised medical equipment helps in the initial diagnosis and is one of the most important elements of the therapy.

The medical devices market has developed significantly. We have modern technologies, solutions and many manufacturers, each trying to play an important role in the healthcare system. However, all of this translates into the cost of medical devices. The current currency fluctuations, rising inflation, armed conflicts and the pandemic cause a significant increase in these costs. Can you buy a good medical device at a reasonable price? The answer is simple, of course yes, but you need to pay attention to many factors that can contribute to significant savings for the medical entity, says Piotr Miadziołko, CEO of Neomedix, Vice-President of the Council of the National Association of County Hospital Employers, member of the Polish General Council of the Federation of Hospitals.

In the face of dynamically occurring changes on the market, solutions are required and sought which could actually lead to simplification, shortening the time of selecting and purchasing optimal medical equipment. How does Norway do it? What are the latest Norwegian and global solutions for the medical and rehabilitation market? You will be able to get to know them during a meeting organised by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development on the second day of the fair (24 March). The aim of the seminar is to familiarise participants with the innovations and solutions of world leaders. The meeting will certainly be useful for Polish and Norwegian entrepreneurs, startups and business environment institutions offering innovative solutions related to the medtech industry.

Invaluable skills − resuscitation at SALMED

I have a dream that knowledge and skills in providing assistance in life-threatening situations would be common knowledge, and every medic should be a professional teacher in this field, says Artur de Rosier, MD, President of ORL WIL. That is why, at the SALMED trade fair, the Wielkopolska Medical Chamber will conduct the workshop: Emergency conditions − advanced resuscitation procedures. Work on the program takes place at a special time when the whole world has held its breath and helping other people has become the overriding goal.

What activities should we carry out when we see another person’s loss of consciousness, apnea, probable cardiac arrest? How to proceed to save someone’s life in a moment that requires decisive and quick action? The free workshops on advanced resuscitation procedures organised by the Wielkopolska Medical Chamber allow you to answer these questions. The training, which is planned on the second day of the SALMED fair, i.e. on 24 March, is popular not only with doctors and paramedics, but also people working in other medical professions: nurses or paramedics.

By participating in the workshops, we acquire and consolidate skills, thanks to which we know how to deal with patients in life-threatening situations. So we are talking about absolutely invaluable skills, argues Artur de Rosier, MD, President of ORL WIL.

Medical trend fairs

The fair is also a unique opportunity for companies to present their market premieres and new products to the general public. They will also be present at SALMED, they will appear in a specially arranged zone together with startups. The central point of this space will be the STAGE OF TRENDS IN MEDICINE. For three days, the modern solutions presented here will take us into the future. Some of them are already successfully used in medical facilities and some are to be introduced. They have one thing in common − improving the health care system not only in Poland, but also in the world. On the MEDICAL TRENDS SCENE you will be able to see, among others: a modern system supporting paramedics, an intelligent home stethoscope, an innovative solution for conducting in-depth, remote patient diagnostics, a program based on cognitive-behavioural therapy, recommended as the primary method in the treatment of insomnia, or a tool improving the digitisation of medical records. The stage will be a place not only for typically medical disciplines, but most of all − interdisciplinary projects combining organisational, management and technological solutions with diagnostic, treatment or prognostic procedures using IT techniques. Traditionally, at the SALMED fair, Gold Medals of Grupa MTP will be awarded for products and services that stand out on the market thanks to their quality, technology and utility values. In this edition, five were awarded. LUXAMED GMBH was awarded for the LuxaScope Auris CCT LED Otoscope. There were also double winners, including the ASPEL company recognised for the AsCARD Gray electrocardiograph and the ASPEL 308 ABPM v.101 pressure recorder. Two medals also went to Charder Electronic. The Competition Jury awarded the CHARDER MS4980 Wireless Ultrasonic Height and Weight Measurement Station and the MHS2710 Wireless Medical Lifting Scale.

SALMED is the most important comprehensive medical equipment fair in Poland gathering market leaders. The project is sponsored by key media and industry organisations, including: the Polish Federation of Hospitals, the National Association of Private Hospitals, the Agreement of Healthcare Employers, the European Clean Healthcare Association, the POLMED Chamber, the Wielkopolska Medical Chamber, and the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, as well as two clusters: Lublin’s Medicine and Medical Cluster.

You will be able to meet some of the patrons at the stands.

The Salmed fair, organised by Grupa MTP, will be held from 23 to 25 March on the Poznań MTP Expo fairgounds.